Mission, vision

Our mission is to empower healthcare professionals and clients by providing them with actionable insights derived from real-world health data (RWE). We achieve this by meticulously collecting, analyzing, and professionally interpreting data, and by developing comprehensive education programs for both professionals and patients. Through our efforts, we aim to enhance understanding, improve treatment outcomes, and drive forward the quality of patient-centered care.

Vision: Empower healthcare professionals to enhance understanding, improve treatment outcomes, and drive forward the quality of patient-centered care through actionable insights.

Our strengths: Professional and Innovative

Our robust synergies, from sophisticated health databases and analytical prowess to dynamic marketing channels and precise targeting capabilities, ensure unmatched value for our customers in the health sector.

Our proactive approach extends beyond data collection and analysis. We prioritize health education by creating diverse communication platforms and organizing educational online events that not only inform but also inspire a healthier society.

We transform health data into powerful insights for both our team and our clients, propelling us all towards greater health outcomes and success.

WalletScan Onco

Real World Evidence solution for oncological analysis

In recent years, our company has successfully developed WalletScan Onco solution, an effective tool to understand current clinical practices and to provide evidence for justifying drug reimbursement.

Our goal

Is to empower clients by providing a deeper understanding of the oncology landscape using cost-effective, swift analyses based on comprehensive examinations of oncology patients.

WalletScan Onco Uniqueness:

Distinguishing itself, WalletScan Onco encompasses all insurance related reimbursements (NHIF) to oncological diseases (ICD definition) from 2012 until December 31, 2023.

This includes:

• outpatient and inpatient care,
• diagnostic procedures (laboratory, PET-CT, CT scans),
• therapeutic interventions (surgery, radiotherapy, transplantation, etc.),
• prescription details,
• individualized drug financing,
• itemized breakdowns,
• supportive therapy for the underlying disease or complications.

Graph 1 – Sample "Top 10 Leading Cancer Diagnoses in Hungary (Incidence)"

This bar chart compares the prevalence of each cancer type in 2020, 2021 and 2022. While in 2020 the leading cancer type was clearly malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung, by 2021 the incidence of other skin malignancies had increased significantly and became the most common cancer in Hungary. In 2022, other malignancies of the skin were also predominant, followed by bronchus and lung, and then breast malignancies.

Graph 2 – Sample Five-Year Survival Rate by CCI Score

This line graph displays the five-year survival rate by Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) score, tracked over time in days. The survival rates start at 1.0 (or 100%) at day 0 and gradually decrease over time, indicating the proportion of patients surviving as time progresses. Three survival curves represent different levels of comorbidity: CCI=0 (no comorbidities), CCI=1-2 (one to two additional conditions), and CCI=3+ (three or more additional conditions). The graph suggests that patients with a CCI score of 0 have the highest survival rate over the five-year period, while those with higher CCI scores, indicative of more comorbid conditions, show lower survival rates.